ABL Forum Leader

Every Growth and Development Forum is run by an ABL Forum Leader.

Each of these ABL Forum Leaders is aware that the path to remarkable achievement, either in business or personally, is seldom a straightforward one.  It very often involves a daily assortment of hurdles, setbacks, and scattered opportunities.

Under the guidance of a dedicated ABL Forum Leader, who facilitates the group’s course, each ABL Forum Member is instilled with the confidence and conviction that their potential is limitless.

It is expected that each ABL Forum Leader has the skills to facilitate a Growth and Development Forum meeting.






Is it imperative for an ABL Forum Leader to possess a wealth of business expertise?

Absolutely not.

Every ABL Forum Leader will be equipped with the skill to facilitate an atmosphere that fosters open conversations, suggestions, feedback, and more, thereby ensuring that every SME business owner and leader within their group(s) reap the rewards of the time and dedication invested by each of the ABL Forum Members.

Where the ABL Forum Leader is not trained in coaching and/or mentoring skills they can gain certification through the Coaching and Mentoring Skills course offered by the ALD Programme.

ABL Forum Leaders are expected to:

  • Recruit Members into their Growth and Development Forum:
    each from a different industry with a focus on growing and developing their business.
  • Maintain confidentiality and a non-judgemental approach.
  • Follow the ABL Programme and Agenda.
  • Encourage ABL Forum Members to express themselves, participate in open discussions, address fears and concerns, and share their goal or goals.
  • Help each ABL Forum Member to participate in each element of the Optimal Goal Achievement Session.
  • Facilitate collaboration among ABL Forum Members to establish their own goal or goals.
  • Work with each ABL Forum Member to review their progress.
  • Capture and share all realistic and practical options for releasing ABL Forum Member’s goals.
  • Facilitate and assist ABL Forum Members to reflect on and derive insights from unexpected outcomes.
  • Guide Members to additional sources of information, advice, or support as needed.
  • Empower ABL Forum Members to take ownership of their decisions, plans, and actions.
  • Empower ABL Forum Members to take accountability for their progress.
  • Manage ABL Forum Members’ attendance.
  • Reflect upon each meeting and provide feedback at the beginning of the next meeting.
  • Adhere to and respect the Growth and Development Forum’s agenda, ground rules, and uphold confidentiality.
  • Provide a report to the ABL Head of Forum after each Growth and Development Meeting.
  • Participate in their ABL Head of Forum’s monthly review meeting with other ABL Forum Leaders,
  • Encourage ABL Forum Members to take advantage of other products and/or services available.
    e.g. 1-2-1 Coaching and/or Mentoring session(s), Coaching and Mentoring Skills training.



Why should a Consultant, or Coach, or Mentor, or a business owner, or a leader, or an entrepreneur apply and join ABL as an ABL Forum Leader?

After an initial investment, it is an on-going consistent revenue stream.

The ABL Programme is simple to follow in each Growth and Development Forum Meeting.

Once the ABL Growth and Development Forum is operational, there are extra revenue streams for up-selling and additional earnings.

Full support is provided by the ABL Head of Forums, ABL Head of Business Development, and ABL Head of Operations.

Overall, joining as an ABL Forum Leader to run one or more Growth and Development Forums is a strategic investment for a Consultant, a Coach, a Mentor, a business owner, a leader, or an entrepreneur to generate a consistent and on-going revenue stream.


Each ABL Forum Leader earns a %age of the revenue earned from the fees paid by the ABL Forum Members of their Growth and Development Forums.  Following on from the initial investment of creating and growing a Growth and Development Forum, this revenue is generated for less than one working day in a calendar month.

To benefit from their involvement, the Forum Leader may run more than one Growth and Development Forum.

Additional income may be generated through sales of additional products and/or services.


ABL invites Consultants, Coaches, Mentors, business owners, leaders, or entrepreneurs who agree to be ‘good ABL Forum Leaders’ to apply.  By this ABL intends that each ABL Forum Leader agrees to lead the Growth and Development Forum with dedication and a focus on the outcome for each ABL Forum Member.

ABL does not just accept any applicant.

To apply, please complete the form below:




Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with ABL is in English.