
ABL Forum Member’s
Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all ABL Forum Members.

Each ABL Forum Member:

  1. shall at all times keep secret and confidential all information relating to all ABL Forum Members business, finances, and affairs, or that of any of its subsidiaries and the projects, business, finances, and affairs of its owners, staff, clients, or customers.
  2. shall at all times keep secret and confidential all information relating to information discussed during the ABL Forum Meetings: the business, finances, and affairs or that of any of its subsidiaries and the projects, business, finances, and affairs of all ABL Forum Members.
  3. shall not permit any person to assist in the provision of the services under this agreement unless that person has signed an undertaking of confidentiality in terms essentially similar to this clause.
  4. shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that there is no publicity relating to this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties.
  5. shall comply with all relevant provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Data Protection Act 2018.

All ABL Forum Members are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of all personal identifiable information.

As part of this commitment, this privacy policy governs all ABL Forum Members actions as they relate to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information.

ABL Forum Members agree to:

  1. meet in a confidential and truly non-judgemental environment, such that they can ask any question, they can raise any point or make any statement and challenge anything that is said by either their fellow members or the ABL Forum Leader.
  2. maintain confidentiality and a non-judgemental approach.
  3. work together as a cohesive until to the benefit of each business represented.
  4. attend every Forum meeting.
  5. commit to the ABL process, and the progress of each business represented.
  6. contribute within the Forum meeting, speaking openly, positively, honestly, and asking questions when unsure.
  7. fully participate in each Forum meeting.
  8. give their full attention to the proceedings, not be side-tracked by outside distractions such as email, text messages, and voice mails.
  9. raise points of interest for future meeting Experiential and Participatory Learning presentations.
  10. immediately notify the ABL Forum Leader of any conflicts of interest.
  11. agree to fulfil their own commitments to themselves, as part of their task or action setting in the Optimal Goal Achievement session.
  12. reflect upon each meeting and provide feedback at the beginning of the next meeting.
  13. adhere to and respect the Forum’s agenda, ground rules, and uphold confidentiality.

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Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the ABL is in English.